Conditions of Use

Got a problem with a Delivery?

If your order hasn't arrived, you've received the wrong parts or you've got other problems with your delivery, please call us on 01566 776222 or email and we will look in to it straight away.

Our Returns Policy

Our 7-day returns guarantee

Our 7-day returns guarantee means that if for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you can return it to us in its original condition within 7 days of the date you received the item, and we will issue a full refund for the price you paid for the item, less a 15% handling fee.

We are unable to exchange items that are not damaged, defective or incorrect if the item is out side the 7 day guarantee (this will not however affect your 12 month guarantee if the item has broken due to a manufacturing fault).

Return a Damaged, Defective or Incorrect Item

If the item was damaged in transit

  • If you take delivery of a Special Vehicle Services package and the contents have been damaged in transit, you can return the item(s) to us within 7 days of receipt for exchange.

If the item is defective

  • You have the right to return a faulty item within a reasonable period of time. Please keep all the warranty information that accompanies your item as this may be needed should there be a fault. In the unlikely event that you have a faulty item return the item to us, please send it to...
  • Special Vehicle Services Limited, West Druxton, St.Giles on the Heath, Near Launceston, PL15 9SX ,England.

If we sent you an item you did not order (an "incorrect" item)

  • As soon as you find out we've sent you an incorrect item, Send the incorrect item back to us or contact us by phone and we will have the item collected. If you want us to replace the item we sent you with the item you ordered, contact us and we'll send you the correct item as soon as we can.

Your Statutory Rights

Cooling-off Period

At Special Vehicle Services Ltd we want you to be delighted every time you shop with us. Occasionally though, we know you may want to return items. That's why under our 7-day returns guarantee, if for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you can return it to us in its original condition within 7 days of the date you received the item.

By law, customers in the European Union also have the right to withdraw from the purchase of an item within seven working days of the day after the date the item is delivered. This applies to all of our products except for custom made items or specially ordered parts we import for you, where the item has to be cancelled within 7 days of ordering.

Please note that you will be responsible for the costs of returning the items to us unless we delivered the item to you in error, or if the item is damaged or defective. If we do not receive the item back from you with the delivery slip, we may arrange for collection of the item from your residence at your cost.

You should be aware that once we begin the delivery process you will not be able to cancel any contract you have with us for additional services carried out by us

As soon as we receive notice of your cancellation of this order, we will refund the relevant part of the purchase price for that item together with the item's normal postage charge--we cannot refund any priority, express or courier component of the postage charge. For more information on your right to withdraw from your purchase within the seven working day cooling-off period, visit the Department of Trade and Industry's website at:

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